

获取支持资源 & 住宿

是的, an individual can come forward to seek supportive measures without filing 正式投诉. 但是,如果报告的信息需要学院进行调查 the matter for the safety and protection of our community in accordance with federal 和州法律,那么学院就会这么做. 再说一次,没有人会被迫这么做 参与过程.

答:没有. 有匿名报告义务的雇员和学生,例如 Victim Advocates and Peer Health Educators (PHEs), will continue their work as anonymous 资源. 匿名资源只需要转发非标识信息 第九条协调员(e.g.(日期、时间、地点) 的SGBM.


A: If the incident reported represents an emergency or an immediate risk to health/safety, Campus Safety or local police will take immediate steps to protect the community and 任何有关方面.

If the incident reported does not constitute an immediate threat or after any such steps to address the emergency are taken, the 第九条 coordinator or designee will reach out to the complainant to schedule a time to review their options, rights, and 资源.

A: When meeting with the 第九条 coordinator to review your options, rights, and 资源, you will be informed that you do have the right to request for the College 不去调查.

If you make such a request, the College will determine whether it can grant such a request or if the College is required to investigate based on the information provided 遵守学校政策和联邦及州法律. 欲了解更多信息,请 请参考2024-2025年学生第九条政策.”

A: 学生 can contact the Counseling Center at 518-580-5555 or a Victim Advocate 拨打518-580-5684与某人秘密交谈. 员工可以通过以下方式与EAP联系 518-793-9768. 对于校外人士,您可以致电518-584-8188与Wellspring联系. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅 关键资源页面.
是的, third parties can report an incident that happened to other Skidmore student, 教师、职员或社区成员. 然而,只有原告或第九条 协调员可以发起正式投诉.
A:学生可以使用 匿名举报表格. 这个选项还没有正式提供给员工.


答:没有. 双方仍然可以选择他们自己选择的顾问与轻描淡写 that for the hearing, each party has the right to have their advisor conduct cross-examination 任何其他当事人或证人.

答:没有. 如果你提出正式投诉,所举报的指控将决定是否 第九条程序具有管辖权,必须加以利用.

A: Parties are able to work with an advisor of their choice (AoC) throughout the reporting, 调查和裁决程序. 每一方都必须有一个AoC来 在现场听证期间,代表当事人进行质证. 而火博体育 cannot control who a party selects as their AoC, Skidmore will provide an AoC to parties 没有一个. 学院提供的aoc将接受培训和培训 demonstrated competence in trauma-informed practices, effective and appropriate questioning, 制度政策和程序.

A: The new regulations require that questions and evidence regarding a complainant’s sexual predisposition and sexual behavior are automatically deemed irrelevant, and 因此不能在调查和裁决过程中使用. 然而, regulations specify two exceptions to this provision that may be considered relevant:

Questions and evidence about the complainant’s prior sexual behavior that are offered 证明被申请人以外的人实施了该行为;

Questions and evidence that concern specific incidents of the complainant’s prior 性行为方面,并提供同意证明.

答:没有 one will be forced to participate in any part of the reporting, investigation, 或者裁决程序. 当事人或证人拒绝参加直播的 hearing will still be permitted to have their previous statements and submitted evidence be considered by the adjudication panel for reaching a determination of responsibility.

A: Sanctioning under the new 第九条 policy will remain the same, which includes a range of possible sanctions and will be followed by an opportunity for the parties 对结果提出上诉.


是的. 这些规定具有法律效力,这意味着联邦政府 政府可以也会对不合规的机构采取行动. 机构 必须在2024年8月1日前实施所需的改革.

A: The relationship between Skidmore and SSPD will not be altered by the new regulations. When a 第九条 or non-第九条 SGBM case coincides with a law enforcement investigation, officials from both entities will communicate to ensure that the separate processes work within their legal boundaries and respect the complainant’s decision on how to 前进.

A: Any SGBM incident that occurred (and completed in its entirety) before August 1, 2024 that would have fallen under the jurisdiction of 第九条 will use the 2023-2024 第九条学生政策.

Any SGBM incident that occurred (and completed in its entirety) before August 1, 2024 that would have fallen under the jurisdiction of the Enough is Enough policy IX will 使用2024-2025年学生第九条政策.

Any SGBM incident that occurred entirely or partially on or after August 1, 2024 that would have fallen under the jurisdiction of 第九条 will use the 2024-2025 Title 九、学生政策.